365 Days of Living The Sweet Life

Nov 22 , 2020

365 Days of Living The Sweet Life

WOW! How has a year passed since I thought I could set up a legit business with no knowledge, apart from knowing the back catalogue of sweets ever to be created? LOL. What a whirlwind it has been. From 1 follower to over 8,000. From 11 variations of sweets on the menu, to 60. From my Mum’s kitchen to my own premises. From serious miles in the golf, to DPD courier.

If I could tell my 1 year ago self something, I would tell her to dream as big as possible, run with what you believe in, but never get carried away with doing too much. Do your thing, and do it well. One step at a time. Take risks. Not all these pay off, but they make you learn and lead to other paths. Ignore any negative comments, they only cast a shadow of doubt. You really cannot please everyone. If you don’t want to spend and invest money, business is not the one for you. The bad days, the one with no sales (yes they happen), are the ones which count. And the most important of all: there are ups and downs in everyone’s journey but if you find that ‘everyday happiness’ and never feel a Sunday Blues - you’ve bloody cracked it.

What will the next 365 days deal SL? Who actually knows? I would love to keep growing and developing - plans are most definitely in place. But, as long as I am happy and my customers get that sweet treat after a busy week, or receive a gift that puts a smile on their face - I’ll take it.

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